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Testimonials from Santa Clara University

"I was at your event at Santa Clara University yesterday and it was such an amazing experience. I would love to continue to support this amazing organization by giving my time to volunteer. Hopefully there will be more events in the Bay Area coming up and especially on campus. Thank you for everything, my experience and this organization is so inspirational"


- Gill, Santa Clara University, Student

The magic is almost never seen!

This is our very first entry to our Blind Cafe blog. So hello! I'm Rosh, I started putting these events together back in 2010 and now it's been five years and over 10,000 have been through the dark at our Blind Cafe events across the US. 

I am continuously humbled by the magic that happen because of a blind cafe event, and what I mean by magic is meaningful, inspiring connection between two or more individuals. In the past five years I have literally traveled to five different cities 2 - 3 times a year to put people in the dark. In each city I've built amazing friendships and relationships with both blind and sighted folks who feel the magic that comes from being in the dark. 

I'll write some stories on this blog soon, to help capture the magic after each event!

Thanks for reading, love Rosh