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Award Winning Positive Social Change Programs In The Dark

Dinner & Concert In The Dark. Yoga In The Dark. College Social Change Programs. Corporate Events. Blind Awareness.

The Blind Cafe is a positive social change organization, that uses the concept of darkness to create innovative and imaginative ( pop-up ) events held entirely in the pitch dark ( no blindfolds ). Our events are facilitated by professional trained 'legally blind staff'' and designed to change the way you 'SEE' the world! The Blind Café does not try to perfectly recreate blindness. Instead, it allows people to interact, trust each other, and experience community, music and education in an entirely new way. In the dark, there are no uncomfortable glances, no self-consciousness about what you’re wearing or what you weigh, no distinction between the sighted and blind.              

Learn about The Blind Cafe.

Your Eyes Are My Favorite Color Live in the dark at our very first Blind Cafe in 2010! Featuring Rosh, Phil Norman and Clay Hamilton

There is something about engaging in organic conversation with a room full of strangers who can’t see each other that instills a sense of community among the group. At the end, a candle is lit and it feels as if you’re waking up from a dream that you somehow shared with everyone around you.
— Hayley Besecker | 7x7 SF Magazine
The Blind Cafe bridges gaps between the sighted and the blind. I enjoy sharing how I do things, and educating my community how it’s really okay to be blind.
— Yolanda, Austin Blind Cafe Waitstaff

The Blind Cafe Tour Schedule

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